day 16
derby, connecticut
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Delayed in Derby:
Time: 4:56pm
Location: Citgo Quick Stop
Pump Number: 3
Grade: Regular Unld.
Octane: 87
Price: $1.519/gal
Quantity: 6.580 gal
Cost: $10.00

Things we were planning to see in Connecticut:

1. The Garbage Museum
2. Ghost Parking Lot
3. The Lock Museum
4. Gilette Castle
5. Nut Lady's Nut Museum

We did stop in Connecticut. It was a quick one, but our feet touched pavement, so technically it counts.

We had other things on our minds.

Only Stop in CT:

Next Stop: New York, NY

see the full map...

Today's Weather:
Partly Cloudy

© 2001. Kevin Beimers and Aimee Lingman. Friends of the Technicality.